b;ah,balh,balh...im soooo bored. so i decided to not cut my hair yet, im so scared because when i was in highschool i cut it really short and i looked fat in the face, but my mom said it was a good idea now because i lost my face fat, i guess, i dont know. i dont know why i care soo much about it, thats how bored i am, so does anybody have anything interesting to talk about!!!! lol!!!!

Boredom sucks... I suffer from it quite often myself. I guess that's why I have so many hobbies... playing guitar, shooting guns, fixing anything that's not electronic (I tried soldering a circuit board once, didn't work too well) learning Russian, and I just started setting up an aquarium this week, so there's another hobby to throw money at...... as far as your hair cutting dilemma goes... I think you'd look great with short hair. I have to admit though... the picture of you with long hair is my fav. have a great weekend comrade!