Hello my withering water lilies,
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government? Well fair enough, but maybe come talk to me again when you've got a stable version of that "representative democracy within global capitalism" thing running that you seem so excited about.
In the meantime, I think we can all agree that pretty women frolicking in and around pretty lakes is an excellent basis for a beautiful SG set. Take for example @gdgt's set In Time.
I feel like the outfit, hair and make-up are specifically designed to mess with poor old Eliza's brain. And of course Gdgt is exactly the right woman to make it all work perfectly.
Oh deary me! *frantic fanning commences*
I gotta run now, but tomorrow's another day, with another no doubt mind-blowing set I'll be digging up from the archives.
Aquatically yours,