Hello my mouldy pieces of marionette string,
If I had to put together a short list of the SG sets that made the biggest impression on me over the years, @sid's Folly of The Dolls from March 2006 would definitely be on it. Before I discovered SG, nude lady photography on the web seemed to come in only one of two flavours, either "I am an object of artistic beauty for you to project your aesthetic vision onto" or "I am an object of erotic beauty for you to project your sexual fantasies onto." SG sets, on other hand, are not about the "female form," but about people who happen to be naked and female. They tell stories, talk about likes and dislikes and show feelings, not all of which are necessarily pleasant.
TL;DR: Most nudes speak about the photographer, SG nudes speak about the model. I want to hear about the model.
Folly of The Dolls is a fantastic example of all that.
But maybe it just has a special place in my heart because it reminds me so much of Drusilla from BtVS. With less Spike, obviously.
...but also less clothing and stylish glasses to make up for it.
That's it again for today. I can't wait to see what dollish follies we may uncover tomorrow.
Anthropomorphically yours,