Savin' the best for last, natch.


Extend-o birthday! I got taken for a birthday lunch on Friday, by my friend Jennifer, then Merritt came and took me for birthday dinner and gave me my belated pressies--belated is kinda great, 'cause it stretches it all out.
Pressies! Merritt gave me a birthday card that has the voice of Miss Othmar (the teacher from the Peanuts) talking: "wahh wahh wahh wommmm...womm wahh..." and it cracked me up. He also gave me a bottle of wine, two boxes of black beans and rice (we only today found out you can get it here, too--and I love it), a really cool art deco calendar of travel modes with really great art, and a beautiful poster of The Coho Ferry (the one we take back and forth to see each other...) that he had framed himself and brought up and hung for me. It's such a thoughtful gift, because the Coho is so symbolic of so much for us. I love it. Thanks, Merritt. ♥
Great sex, despite my hideous injury! Not as much as usual maybe, but...quality, people.
Crosswords and city country!
Arrested Development and The Orphanage!
My friend's band last night!
Hideous injury greatly improved (despite slightly panicked but mercifully brief trip to E.R. on Friday night)
I have a new friend...her name is Sweetpea.
My very first iPod! So far I have named her, spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to make my MP3s compatible, tried to make the car adaptor I bought not be a piece of shit, and created a fantastic workout playlist. I am excited to actually *listen* to her!
Merritt's on the phone!
You're the best, and I love you. I'm jonesing for some crossword or city-country action.