oh and also (no, YOU'RE avoiding going to bed), here are things I listened to lots today.
I love Belle & Sebastian. If I'm in an aggressive mood they sometimes bug me and make me want to punch them for being so gay, but 9 times out of ten they hit the spot, including today.
that Neutral Milk Hotek song I mentioned a few bloggy-blogs ago (eggy-weggs and ticks of toast). Ever since I found out who this song is (mix CD with no tracks, remember?) I've been rolling around in it. I love it.
But mostly this one. Yes, still. It's just workin' for me right now. Man, my neighoubrs but wish I was dead. It's 3:30, and I'm not quiet. Dear neighbours, sorry I'm an asshole. I will be less of an asshole tomorro, when I am hungover, and your child is shrieking at 7:am. Then I shall receive my comeuppance.
I love the word comeuppance.
Comeuppance and seeance meance sometimeance.
Maeance Westance?
BIG SMILES, KIDS. EVERYTHING IS JUST FINE (I know. blog still sucking. sorrysorrysorry)
don't panic.
I love Belle & Sebastian. If I'm in an aggressive mood they sometimes bug me and make me want to punch them for being so gay, but 9 times out of ten they hit the spot, including today.
that Neutral Milk Hotek song I mentioned a few bloggy-blogs ago (eggy-weggs and ticks of toast). Ever since I found out who this song is (mix CD with no tracks, remember?) I've been rolling around in it. I love it.
But mostly this one. Yes, still. It's just workin' for me right now. Man, my neighoubrs but wish I was dead. It's 3:30, and I'm not quiet. Dear neighbours, sorry I'm an asshole. I will be less of an asshole tomorro, when I am hungover, and your child is shrieking at 7:am. Then I shall receive my comeuppance.
I love the word comeuppance.
Comeuppance and seeance meance sometimeance.
Maeance Westance?
BIG SMILES, KIDS. EVERYTHING IS JUST FINE (I know. blog still sucking. sorrysorrysorry)
don't panic.
merry christmas, bethers
So, my buddy, what's been up? What have I missed? I read your journal the other day and felt out of the loop. Merry Holiday's