Please note this blog involves some issues that may trigger emotions! <3
So, Some of you may have seen on my socials, that my Husband Connor, recently took His own life. We were together for 8 years and of course he was a big part of my life. We had recently separated, due to many issues, mainly caused by being under each others feet for so long during covid :( We struggled as a couple together for awhile, we both had mental health issues that made us unhappy together and apart!
Unfortunely Connor, was too scared to get help - I tried multiple times when we were together to get him help, either medication or therapy but he struggled to take it :'( This led to us taking a break in our relationship & he moved back to his parents. During the last 18 months, we had our good and bad days - We went away together with the kids, had a really nice holiday together, but our differences still got in the way!
August 16th, it all got too much for Connor, and he made the decision to end it. He was in Pain and couldn't cope anymore! Every day I think about him, I think I could have helped more, I could have stopped him! I could have been there for him! But honestly I feel no matter what I said or did, he would have always been unhappy with his life the way it went, at least now he is at peace and he's in a better place!
Our children miss him everyday, we all do! I went to see him at the chapel of rest last Wednesday, It was the hardest day of my life! To see the love of my life, laying lifeless was awful, but in the same breathe it gave me a little bit of closure, to see him so peaceful and not in anymore mental pain! </3 His funeral is next week, His parents want everyone to be wearing bright colours, as connor was never one to shy away from a printed shirt and his special sunglasses! He was always the funky one at dinners, weddings, honestly any get together he'd be the one lighting up the room with his outfits!
Every penny that can be donated, could prevent another Male taking their lives and destroying many families like Mine! All donations will be going towards this amazing cause at the end of the month so please give generously if you can <3
(The donation link will always be there, there is no ending to the fundraising)