Its been awhile since I wrote a Blog or did a Homework! Ive been busy with a new born :P But I am back, and I thought id start with 'What I did last weekend!
This is some what a sad post, but also a happy one. In May 2018, Myself, My Husband and 2 girls went to stay with my Grandad in Mablethorpe for the May bank holiday week, it was amazing. Enjoying the sun, the arcades and plenty of beers with my family, But I noticed that my Gdad was unwell, we was struggling to breath when he was walking and he'd wake up every morning coughing, and I mean extreme coughing. I mentioned it to my dad and said he really needs to see a doctor, typical of my Gdad to say 'theres nothing wrong with me, its just a little cough'
A few months later my dad went up to see him and he was even worse, my gdad finally admitted he needed to see a doctor 'which he hadnt done since 1960! Gradually he got worse and worse, he ended up in hospital having various tests & he had to move from Mablethorpe to Leicester to live with my mum and dad. After loads of tests, scans, etc they found that he had cancer, Caused from working with Asbestos when he was a carpet fitter. In September 18' my Grandad pass away in Hospital with his two sons and daughter by his side!
We had his funeral & said our see you laters' spent the night in a pub (his favourite thing to do) telling stories about his life. It was a nice send off and it was nice seeing family I hadnt seen for years. I even made my peace with my aunty - we had an argument a few years before and hadnt spoken since-.
Now comes to the 'What I did last weekend'
We travelled to Mablethorpe - Myself (husband and kids), My mum, dad, sisters, brothers (all their husbands/wives and kids) My Aunt & Uncle (their partners and kids) to say our fianl goodbyes to my Gdad. We spent the morning on the beach in the beautiful sunshine, building sand castles, eating sandwiches and playing in the sea. We then scattered his ashes along the beach. We had a pint and dinner in his local pub and told more stories of his life. It was lovely to spend a last day with him at his final resting place.
I will always remember my Gdad, he was the heart and soul of our family and I miss him everyday!