Nother quickie before class. Helped tkmud(whyIlikerobins?) move last night.
Had fun, it was good to get out of the apartment. Going over tonight to have a bbq. I need to ride around Friday and Saturday morning and get apps. I know I say it all the time, but definately need a new job. If anyone in the lansing area wants to insitute get-together nights, I would be all up for it. Month and a half until I can get legally drunk (not that I do anyway, but hey, it's something to count down to). I'm almost finished with "The Six Wives of Henry the 8th", Any suggestions for my next? I want to try to stick to non-fiction, you know, for my ed-u-ma-cat-ion. (<-- joke, education). I don't even really miss tv, it's wierd.