Still poor as shit. Getting (well hope be be getting *fingers crossed*) a new apartment downtown near LCC's campus, that should be fun as hell. Heating it might be a bit fun in the winter and is the only thing that is REALLY scaring me about it. Also it doesn't have a shower per say, more like a little thing that screws into the facuet(sp?) and makes a wand become your showerhead, but whatever, as long as I can get clean, all is good.
It's going to be all to myself, to much the thanks of my mom, but still, I'll actually be living by myself! No roommate, no more messes that are not of my own making, just MYSELF to blame. Which I guess I've had no one to blame before this for the state of this apartment I'm living in now, but seriously, in as little time as this upcoming week, I could be moved into my very own apartment. With forever in front of me.
I need to find another job for the summer and figure out what classes I have to take to stay on track.
On the downside, got fat pants from Volunteers of America's thrift store the other day, couldn't try anything on, and one pair fits, one out of like 5, and one of the pants zippers don'twork, so it looks funny.
I get paid Friday, not buying anymore pop, not buying anymore food until what I have in the kitchen is gone, and then I'm seriously going on a diet, maybe I should see if Subway is hiring, at least then I could eat right.

I need to find another job for the summer and figure out what classes I have to take to stay on track.
On the downside, got fat pants from Volunteers of America's thrift store the other day, couldn't try anything on, and one pair fits, one out of like 5, and one of the pants zippers don'twork, so it looks funny.

Heh, I already sent you an email mail. Definately call me, I am going to be organizing a meeting for anyone who wants to get together to see the space and talk about promoting the show. We only have a few weeks, so yeah, next week is most likely. get in touch with me.

hope you find someplace cool.