K, don't think I'm going to take as many classes this summer as I had planned, if any at all. Money issues. But what the fuck, if I have to stay in Lansing for another semester than originally planned, oh well.
I like it here, more than living near Toledo that is.
If I work my ass off this summer, and have cash to start me off in the fall, then maybe I can get myself out of this could that has been hanging over me for fuck, just way too long.
I pawned jewelry today to pay for a bounced rent check that I had to pay by today or they were going to evict us. It's ok, I get paid Friday and I'll go get it back, but shitty mood none the less.
Dishes are done, going to go shoot photo assignments I think.

If I work my ass off this summer, and have cash to start me off in the fall, then maybe I can get myself out of this could that has been hanging over me for fuck, just way too long.

Dishes are done, going to go shoot photo assignments I think.
glad you can stick around the area awhile longer. if you want to come to our show at the temple club next wednesday (the 27th) let me know and i'll put you on the guest list.
okay. cool. i just need your name (you can email it to me if you want) and i'll get you in for free. i have to warn you that my guitarist will probably hit on you , but don't fret, he's harmless.
looking forward to meeting you.