So yeah, had sushi yesterday, with a boy. He was five minutes late and I had gotten there a bit early, and had myself convinced that he wasn't going to show. Then after, I was fucking bubbly as hell.
Isn't funny how you can go from one extreme to another.
I found swisher sweets while cleaning. I'm out of breath from carrying in the frozen water that I've had in my truch for like two weeks now, is it bad that the cigar is my reward for getting the apartment clean?
I need motivation to clean...

I found swisher sweets while cleaning. I'm out of breath from carrying in the frozen water that I've had in my truch for like two weeks now, is it bad that the cigar is my reward for getting the apartment clean?

It's awesome when someone can make you feel all giddy. God I really need to fix up my place. So congrats on acomplishing that. Are you coming to bowling on the 11th?