Hehe, I just finished cutting my first mat. *cheers* It only took me two hours, not because I can't do math, cause that part was done pretty quick, but the metal ruler and exacto knife method of mat cutting I don't think I'm going to highly recommend to anybody. It takes three of my girl cuts to actually cut through the board and then you have to worry about the little bits that tear off.
One down, one more to go. I think I'm going to submite the two trade related images and keep it safe.
Now that I see them framed & matted, I like them ALOT more as my selections.
One down, one more to go. I think I'm going to submite the two trade related images and keep it safe.

Lemon, there are these special centering ruler thingys that probably cost $7 but will save you so much trouble. If you see anyone with a thing that looks like a small T-square ask them to show you how it works (I had no clue what they were doing with it until someone showed me then it was easy). It'll save you so much time, and your windows will be perfectly centered. Kept me sane on one project. Just my experience.