frown I can hear the people upstairs having sex, or least it sounded like sex, gosh I hope they can hold out for longer than that. Oh there we go, it's back. frown

Got homework I should probably do...

Just a bullshit update I guess.
Well, sold the my fender today. frown Can't help but feel like shit. But the guy at the music place was really nice about it, when I actually finish school and make money, I can buy a better guitar and actually play it.

Still feel like shit though.
sorry to hear about yr guitar.
I made a vow that no guitar of mine would ever be sold. I own six now. Most of which have been though good times and really bad times. So far none have seen the pawn shop or music store! Good luck.
Grrr. Have I mentioned how much I hate beings so fucking poor? Was going to go home tonight, but nope.

frown Decided to clean out my email today and forgot how similar stumbling over some tid bit of a forgotten era can feel like a sucker punch to the stomach.

Moving on to something completely different.

I was bad, but not as bad as I could have been, this past weekend. Past, well not an ex, cause we never really dated, not "lover" because any false...
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Sorry you relapsed. It happens.

Where are you planning on taking photos at? Have you been around old town yet? It's skeevy, in a good way.

I haven't done that in a while. My recomendations are Old Town as Krys said. Also I've gotten a couple of good shots from downtown as well.
K, the challenge...

help me come up with a domain name that is NOT taken. smile

Things to be considered....

my name - Sarah Elizabeth Collins
purpose of site - Photography Portfolio

And go...
hey! sorry i have been so busy latly, was in a shit hole in IN for about 5 days for work and have been running around since then. i think i have this sunday off though, maybe sushi is in order haha, i'll give you a call sometime
Blah. Down in spirits again.
When im down in spirits i usualy find it helpfull to consume spirits smile
K, being cheezy and completely unprofessional, this is a call for models. I'm poor as hell and need to build my portfolio, I need people of all shapes and sizes, or peoples (as in couples) to pose. Can't pay, but would be kinda of an exchange of services. I'd give a cd of the images in exchange.

If anyone is interested, smile feel free to reply...
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I'd also be interested... I've only modeled for hour long art classes before.
well, hope the homework goes well. let me know if you still need a model.
So I need to start looking for a new apartment. I don't know if I want to find another roommate and stay here or find a little one bedroom or studio (most likely) that I can afford, or look into the coop thing. I did a little research online last night and need to schedule tours of the coops I'd be interested in and see...
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my old bass player was in a coop. it's not bad i guess. she liked it. a little drama sometimes. playing at mac's on wednesday (march 16). it's 18 and up.
Went out last night, it was a friend's 21st and we went to Spartys to celebrate. I was the designated driver, smile was still a blast. Aug. 5th, everyone write that down. Big fucking bash. I want to get wasted smile.

At Spartys it was kind of wierd. Hated the meat market aspect of it, but said fuck it and just did what felt fun, had...
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everyone parked where my roommate works (oades). i went to get beer and could barely find a place to park. i won't go near sparty's ever since that guy got stabbed last year i think. happy valentine's day.
Fun to be had? I'm down!
Bah, k, guess I've come up a bit as far as mood is concerned since the last post. smile Fuck it.

I'm REALLY liking my typography class. It's fun and creative. Drawing on the other hand, kinda kicking my ass. I can draw the lines to start the piece, but once we get to filling it in with charcoal, smile yeah, I suck. Guess it's going to...
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Come Bowling
K, follows are snip bits of converstion with said boy.

boy: Let me ask you something. How do you define dating? When someone says that, what comes to mind?
me: See, I was wondering about that...
me: I'd put "seeing eachother" on the level of the getting to know eachother, but not exclusively committed. "Dating" I'd put on a level of assumed commitment.
boy: I...
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I think your views may change in a few years, depending on what kind of person you are internally and what you are looking for in life. Right now having a boyfriend all to yourself is a lot different than it will be when you are 28.

The current views of dating in society are really a lot different than they were 30+ years ago. My mom can never figure it out because she said she used to see a few guys. Dating was just going out with people, and if you went out with someone different the next night, it wasn't an issue. I think that the media image of dating has altered this so that now it's either just friends, or 'going steady'. Which is odd and annoying. I don't know of any further disservice you could do to someone than only date one person in your life and then marry them (which happens).

I don't really give advice so much as experience, because I know that, chances are, people won't listen to advice anyway. In my experience, most of the things you worry about now aren't really all that important in two years. So while I'm not saying, "Hey go for this guy," I'm saying don't sweat it. If you go for him, cool whatever, if not, also cool. No need to worry, or be in a hurry.
i know yr discouraged. but hang in there. i hadn't been on a real date in a year 'n'a half before i met my girlfriend. you'll meet someone. and when you do. it will be awesome. promise.
So previoiusly mentioned boy came over today to watch The Village with me at my apartment. Kissing happened, good kissing. I like him but I'm realizing that I can't just act on my feelings, because then they never respect you. So I'm going to try different things with this one, see what happens.... And not freak out or over analyze. smile That is my goal.
frown Oh, well, I'm sure I'll catch you around sometime. Besides a friends 21st is almost guaranteed to be fun.
if you find yourself freaking out, slow things down. remember to always be honest with yr feelings. the key to a good relationship, even a new one, is communication and honesty. wink