I need to get the fuck out of the Gay Area!!! Ive lived here for way to long and I feel like Ive out-stayed my welcome. I have become bitter. I need change. I think my boyfriend has a job offer down in LA. I lived in Palm springs for the early years of my life and from what I remember, I liked it. Im a total sun whore so I imagine its a whole hell of a lot better than shitty San Fran!!! Someone once said "The coldest weather I ever felt was the warmest day in San Francisco".....SOOOOO TRUE!!!!! Im pretty sure LA rocks!! You have music (rock of course), sun, sand, and beautiful woman.....I dont require much more out of life. What does everyone else feel about LA......yah or nah?
i left LA about a year and 1/2 ago -- having spent about 4 1/2 in LA right after those big buildings in nyc came crashing down.perhaps y'all heard about that. thing is -- as odd as this sounds -- LA's a great city to be an artist (it's so much cheaper than NYC or SFO), the weather tho' boring is pretty fantastic, the burner scene is kickfuckingass and there's this great seedy underbelly that you have to scratch to find but then it's so much more worth it.
case in point - me & the gf ar moving down to LA (silverlake/echo park!!) as soon as some committments up here are over and out...