A tout le monde
A tous mes amis
Je vous aime
Je dois partir
It looks as though all three of my friends on this site are leaving. Do you really have to leave the site? Or at least keep in touch via e-mail?

[Edited on Jan 18, 2004 4:56AM]
The cold still persists, as does the weird feeling of sleeping in my room.
I think I am part monster of the most insatiable variety.

I am thinking of new things to write, and at the same time trying to remember why I am doing a zine in the first place, trying to list off all of the things I love and that I could...
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Where HAD you been sleeping? smile
*picks you up and carries you to bed every night* smile
It has been unusually cold here these last few days.... negative 2 at one point, and I dont think it's been above 10 degrees since the new year... but whatever, I love being a 25 year old home owner that knows how to maintain her own furnace.

The next issue of the zine is just about done, and I am very pleased with it. I...
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Here is where you can check out the institute and the confrences
I had a talk with mike and claudio at a show in cleveland,,they are very nice and they so deserve the fame there getting now.seeeya
I slept for 12 hours straight last night. i came home, climbed into bed at 7 and everything until 7 am this morning is a complete blackout. I think I needed it as I have had lingering cold from hell for weeks now.

I have decided that I will quit smoking, for a while anyway. I am not that big a smoker to begin with....
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quitters never win
No particularly special dreams to report. Guess you must sleep to have some of those.
I cant get the song Numb by Linkin Park out of my head. His voice sounds so real, as if he can really feel what he is singing.

My head wanes today, as life sails over foggy moors.

People can communicate so differently sometimes. I dont think I realized how far one language can stretch over the void of personal meaning until this past year....
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Life is a precious thing, that is true, and a person being kind to others does bring happiness to oneself. Things like counting the stars are some of the best things in life, when you just lay out on a blanket with someone and just look up ... always the best times. But there is more to life than that, and one must wonder why more don't see life this way, maybe it is the deeply rooted haterd and greed in many people, or maybe some just don't get life. Whatever the reason, people who don't take pleasure in things like the stars always seem to ruin them for the rest of us *sighs*
Sorry I didn't ring on new years. Wasn't in the communicating mood that night. Hope you had a good new years.
I got car sick on the way to work today.
Not that working today is even remotely fair.... but I dont really mind it.

No one called me, and that's ok.

I am sipping coffee, happy that I didnt drink at all last night and looking forward to a nice dinner this evening.

Hope you all had a Happy New Year!

KISS surreal
Awe, sorry you got car sick. That always really sucks' dramamine helps me with that kinda stuff, usually, why i keep a big stock smile lol *sighs in the realization of how sad that is* *coughs* yea smile biggrin Hope you have a nice dinner' smile wink
New Years eve.... I am working today and tomorrow.

I dont mind really. I dont think getting hammered is all that good a time. I think I'll stay in tonight, make a nice chicken breast dinner alone. I watch something on television. maybe I'll sculpt after dinner, or maybe... and this is sounding like the most fun idea.... maybe I'll have dinner from 1130 to...
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Happy New Year! kiss
Well happy new year smile i'd call but long distance *coughs* sry' probably wouldn't want a weirdo like me calling anyways wink Getting hammered and eating chicken sounds like fun to me lol smile
I could be one raging bitch if I wanted to be. The only reason I am not is because I think there is a kinder, more respectable way to conduct interpersonal exchanges. I have no desire to be mean to anyone... and I would not react well if any were mean to me. I think that is what I have the wretched bitch reserved for.......
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Good luck on the dancing. Just remember, deep breathe, coung to 10 and don't worry about the furture, take it all one day at time and fuck what anyone else thinks about anything.
Happy New Year! ooo aaa
Sick is not the word.

I just fought off a cold not 3 weeks ago and then my son comes home from school with an ear infection and now I have it. In addition, it has spread into my sinuses and throat.

Being sick sucks.... but I am managing.
im ill too i got a cold but im blowing it out of proportion and milking it the best i can...
Post Xmas....

It was alright i guess. 8 hours in a flipping car. I mean could I just stab something in the eye?

I am not much for xmas anyway.

To all of my zine readers that have just joined up... WELCOME TO SG.COM, glad you came.

I am tired, and at work and I firmly believe that need to be in bed and kept...
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i can give you all of them except noozles, because i have no idea what those are... and im pretty vague of the lovies thing but you hum it and ill play it.