Hello there....
now it's not that the men I met are bad guys..... in fact many of them have been very good men..... we have just placed different levels of value on different things. I consider communication to be sacred, necessary and an absolutely integral part of a good relationship. Some of them I have met have been nice enough, smart enough, never abusive in any way.... but they are satisfied with minimal communication. I just dont get that. Perhaps it's the fundamental difference between men and women. I'm not sure. I know that most of the men I have dated (and please forgive me if I sound like an elitist bitch here) have in the long run not been able to keep up with me on an intellectual level, and I have difficulty functioning in that kind of situation. I can love a man, or anyone for that matter, for the person they are. I find the more personal details and their levels of humanity and compassion to outweigh social status, money and material possessions by an extreme margin. But I know now, even though I might feel a little bit like a snob for saying so, that I need to have a mate that wants to think, that loves to think, that enjoys exploring the many mysteries in this world while still reveling in the simple spontaneous human delights. I know.... big fat fucking shoes to fill. But... this is what I want. I am creative, driven, smart, deeply eccentric, wholly eclectic with a bend for the darker sight of things with a warm and gentle heart.
who knows.... maybe I need the time to stop looking.... I notice the detail of what I love out of the corner of my eye entirely unbeknownst to them. Perhaps the same will have to occur with me.
In other news, I have made friends with a web mistress for a pro eating disorder website. I like her. She's in a Psychiatric hospital and is as raw (but lovely) as overflowing passion and pain can get. I will send her flowers on Valentines day because she sends me whimsical emails sometimes.
Hugs to you all!
now it's not that the men I met are bad guys..... in fact many of them have been very good men..... we have just placed different levels of value on different things. I consider communication to be sacred, necessary and an absolutely integral part of a good relationship. Some of them I have met have been nice enough, smart enough, never abusive in any way.... but they are satisfied with minimal communication. I just dont get that. Perhaps it's the fundamental difference between men and women. I'm not sure. I know that most of the men I have dated (and please forgive me if I sound like an elitist bitch here) have in the long run not been able to keep up with me on an intellectual level, and I have difficulty functioning in that kind of situation. I can love a man, or anyone for that matter, for the person they are. I find the more personal details and their levels of humanity and compassion to outweigh social status, money and material possessions by an extreme margin. But I know now, even though I might feel a little bit like a snob for saying so, that I need to have a mate that wants to think, that loves to think, that enjoys exploring the many mysteries in this world while still reveling in the simple spontaneous human delights. I know.... big fat fucking shoes to fill. But... this is what I want. I am creative, driven, smart, deeply eccentric, wholly eclectic with a bend for the darker sight of things with a warm and gentle heart.
who knows.... maybe I need the time to stop looking.... I notice the detail of what I love out of the corner of my eye entirely unbeknownst to them. Perhaps the same will have to occur with me.
In other news, I have made friends with a web mistress for a pro eating disorder website. I like her. She's in a Psychiatric hospital and is as raw (but lovely) as overflowing passion and pain can get. I will send her flowers on Valentines day because she sends me whimsical emails sometimes.
Hugs to you all!

not sure i helped or gave any useful information but what the heck.
However, in all fairness, I have met some woman who are horrible at communication. In particular, they assume others should simply know what they're thinking and what they're feeling without ever actually verbalizing anything.
People communicate differently. (Doesn't change the fact that men are assholes, though!