Seeing my shrink was good.
I feel better. Now I am back on my living dead doll obsession, and holy hell has it become an expensive one.
I am working ona series of dolls, but not quite like them. but then again I am just working on squeezing art from every pore on me....
I miss you all and will visit your journals this afternoon. The comments on the last entry were so sweet. thanks guys!
Think you know everything about me? Take the "How Well Do You Know Eliza?" quiz I created on Tickle and see how you score.
1. What's my sign?
* Aquarius
* Libra
* Capricorn
* Pisces
Just click (or copy and paste) this link and you'll be taken to my quiz.
I feel better. Now I am back on my living dead doll obsession, and holy hell has it become an expensive one.
I am working ona series of dolls, but not quite like them. but then again I am just working on squeezing art from every pore on me....
I miss you all and will visit your journals this afternoon. The comments on the last entry were so sweet. thanks guys!
Think you know everything about me? Take the "How Well Do You Know Eliza?" quiz I created on Tickle and see how you score.
1. What's my sign?
* Aquarius
* Libra
* Capricorn
* Pisces
Just click (or copy and paste) this link and you'll be taken to my quiz.
Well, took the test and dont feel too bad about the results considering we do not know each other too extremely well. What do you think?