It has been unusually cold here these last few days.... negative 2 at one point, and I dont think it's been above 10 degrees since the new year... but whatever, I love being a 25 year old home owner that knows how to maintain her own furnace.
The next issue of the zine is just about done, and I am very pleased with it. I am much happier with this issue. It's printed on smaller paper, but technically has more in it. I am happy....
I slept in my bedroom last night for the first time in 6 months. It was strange, I didnt sleep real well, I kept thinking that I was too hot, when it was actually fair to chilly in the room. I think I was just use to being in that room in sueltering July heat. SO I got up at 3 am, had a glass of red wine with cherries and cream.
I want coffee and I have to get kicking on the tail end of this issue.
There is a confrence in NY being held by the Omega Institute called Living a fearless life. I am going to it in april to meet with some of the faculty. I think it might be neet. ALSO I am going to their Women And Power Confrence later this year. I think that the Berlesque show shouls perform there, heheh.
HUGS to all
The next issue of the zine is just about done, and I am very pleased with it. I am much happier with this issue. It's printed on smaller paper, but technically has more in it. I am happy....
I slept in my bedroom last night for the first time in 6 months. It was strange, I didnt sleep real well, I kept thinking that I was too hot, when it was actually fair to chilly in the room. I think I was just use to being in that room in sueltering July heat. SO I got up at 3 am, had a glass of red wine with cherries and cream.
I want coffee and I have to get kicking on the tail end of this issue.
There is a confrence in NY being held by the Omega Institute called Living a fearless life. I am going to it in april to meet with some of the faculty. I think it might be neet. ALSO I am going to their Women And Power Confrence later this year. I think that the Berlesque show shouls perform there, heheh.
HUGS to all

Here is where you can check out the institute and the confrences