say hello to a new professional wedding photographer.
that's right. i have four weddings booked and more requesting interviews. i'm finally getting the chance to do what i've wanted to do my whole life, and for a living! if any pros out there want to send me any information they have, please do so. I'm always looking for suggestions and help since I am new to this.
besides that, i'm currently at work at the bridal salon. my future mother-in-law is visiting from out of town and we've gotten to be really close in the past week. i adore her. i can talk to her about anything. i honestly don't know how i'd have been able to keep my sanity these past few days without her, but that's a whole other can of worms i do not want to open. i hate drama just as much as all of you.
enjoy your sunday, my friends.
that's right. i have four weddings booked and more requesting interviews. i'm finally getting the chance to do what i've wanted to do my whole life, and for a living! if any pros out there want to send me any information they have, please do so. I'm always looking for suggestions and help since I am new to this.
besides that, i'm currently at work at the bridal salon. my future mother-in-law is visiting from out of town and we've gotten to be really close in the past week. i adore her. i can talk to her about anything. i honestly don't know how i'd have been able to keep my sanity these past few days without her, but that's a whole other can of worms i do not want to open. i hate drama just as much as all of you.
enjoy your sunday, my friends.
Congrats on the job and happy late birthday 

congrats lady. i'm really happy for you.