oh you've gotta be kidding me. O GAVE US SMILIES ON OUR JOURNALS!! (if this isn't all that new, forgive me. i haven't updated in a while!)
for O!
I am reeeeally looking forward to tonight, and for the cheesiest of reasons: my boyfriend and I are decorating the apartment for christmas!! We have the works: tree, stockings, lights, figurines...stuff that would make you
it's so cheesy
and we're going to listen to christmas music and make homemade chex mix and cookies and rent a christmas movie! OK, anyone left who isn't puking?
I warned you! Don't say I didn't.
Life has just been one big refreshing breath of air as of late. Like stress has just recently decided to pack its bags and get the hell out. Thank god it's gone.
THANK YOU ALL btw for continuing to be such dolls on the voice thread. And a BIIIIIG thank you to muller for making that ultra-awesome song out of my voice file!!
it's so cool! Also a big thanks to him for hosting an extra-large file of mine that i plan to post to that thread today sometime.
to all!
P.S. Brandon S: if you read this, you rock. you're one of my best friends and always will be! *hugs* get online for your birthday pikshas!
I am reeeeally looking forward to tonight, and for the cheesiest of reasons: my boyfriend and I are decorating the apartment for christmas!! We have the works: tree, stockings, lights, figurines...stuff that would make you
Life has just been one big refreshing breath of air as of late. Like stress has just recently decided to pack its bags and get the hell out. Thank god it's gone.
THANK YOU ALL btw for continuing to be such dolls on the voice thread. And a BIIIIIG thank you to muller for making that ultra-awesome song out of my voice file!!
P.S. Brandon S: if you read this, you rock. you're one of my best friends and always will be! *hugs* get online for your birthday pikshas!
Spreading the happiness: ~~~~~ (those are happies)
that's kinda been accomplished already.