wow. digdug is a cutie for sure! talk about a great smile!! i hate hate hate my job for not letting me hang out with thirtyseven and digdug all day. but at least i'm fortunate enough to have hung out with them for a little while, even if it was at work. and boy are they fun to hug. and freakin' ADORABLE! (just in case you didn't know already). no kidding. i'm in love with both of them now. oh, and of course, we took cute pictures i'm sure those will be up soon! as for now, it's a busy busy weekend here at the good ol' hotel, so i better get back to work. *weep, weep*
does that make you "dorkus"?
Hope I can spot you there so I can say hi, I would feel like a real doofus if I went up to someone and said "elise?" and it wasn't
If I don't see you , have a great time, I'll be the one in the front with all the hair screaming at the top of my lungs...
A: Not with you.