Actual girl friends are super hard to find, & even harder to keep, or so it would seem to me.
What makes it even worse is, recently, once a girl finds out that I am into, into can get a bit weird... I guess that is par for the course, but really, couldn't we be a bit more adult about it??
I know lots of girls, but I don't hit on anyone who's not sending out that vibe, & I certainly am friends with girls that I have no plan on ever doing. So what is the big deal?? Is it that weird that I like making out, stroking, fondling, and other naughty things with a girl?
Is it odd that I like to do the same yummy things with my man?
I certainly have no problem with it.
I am super cool if I am not your type, you just want to be friends, etc. I like friends.
Just don't be all weird about it. I am not going to be weird about it. I did put on my big girl panties today.

Please post more. I'm New to SG. I especially liked the long line that you have in pictures.