So where does a girl need go to find a bisexual chick for a threesome?? In case you could not tell my man & I have a pretty open relationship...I love his cock & we like hot girls. It's a match made in heaven.
We've had a couple of experiences in the past. They were fun & I want more. And a girl should get what she wants, especially if she is a good girl, don't cha think?? And I am a very, very, very good girl...(*biting lip seductively face here*) So if anyone would like to share any info on the subject, I would not object.

weellll, there's Adult friend finder......kinda bass-ackwards way 2 go about it......but....try bars with a club-y feel to them, lesbian bars -really so many bi & bicurious girls there. My hubby & i usually find a friend..... Orrrr, just move to upstate NY
good luck, girl