Wow, what a week this has been! I was all ready to blog on Tuesday...about how great shower sex is (it is!!), and what should happen to my computer but the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)
I installed a Microsoft Windows update, yep an update from a trusted source, & the dam* thing killed my computer.
F'n Microsoft. It's a good thing that I have a computer whiz onsite, who made everything lots better. Whoo-hoo!!
The sad part is that I picked up my younger brother yesterday, to spend the weekend, so even though my computer was fixed, I was too busy with family time to get on here. I hope you all don't mind too, too much. I know how hard it must have been to get through these past couple of days...
It was really, seriously, hard for me to not blog on here...I had SG Blog withdrawals. Who would have thunk it??

I kind of want to hear your take on shower sex... I cant stand it. I always end up cold