10 things I would change if I had a magic wand...
**Weekends would be longer (thinking of implementing the Jetsons 3 day work week...)
**People would have to be honest & people would be able to handle the truth
**No child would be hungry nor obese (both are terrible & preventable if only adults would get their act together)
**Animals would be able to speak their minds
**Free internet access for everyone (parental controls for those under 18, of course
**A person would need to be 21 to be married & only after he/she have experienced the club scene (exceptions for religious people who will never 'do' the club scene)
**Free laser eye surgery for all with impaired vision!
**Stripping would be considered a respectable profession (you know who you are...)
**Working out wouldn't be so much WORK!
**Living happily ever after would be a tad easier, just a tad...don't want to make life too easy
**Weekends would be longer (thinking of implementing the Jetsons 3 day work week...)
**People would have to be honest & people would be able to handle the truth
**No child would be hungry nor obese (both are terrible & preventable if only adults would get their act together)
**Animals would be able to speak their minds
**Free internet access for everyone (parental controls for those under 18, of course

**A person would need to be 21 to be married & only after he/she have experienced the club scene (exceptions for religious people who will never 'do' the club scene)
**Free laser eye surgery for all with impaired vision!
**Stripping would be considered a respectable profession (you know who you are...)
**Working out wouldn't be so much WORK!
**Living happily ever after would be a tad easier, just a tad...don't want to make life too easy

You deserve a good magic wand, I like you choices. I just got laser surgery too... so that 1 and the 3 day work week are my favorites.
I like the idea of free internet lol!