I don't know why I am amazed that people continue to amaze me, but I am. I am definitely not a perfect person but I am usually true to me. I say what I mean & if it's not nice then usually I try to just keep my mouth shut. (You know the saying, If you can't say something nice...) I don't make plans I do not intend to keep. I don't tell someone we are going to meet up & don't show or call or text or email...I mean, come on, technology makes it pretty easy to back out of something these days.
I believe in common courtesy, and giving people the benefit of the doubt...but only once. Is it so hard to say you are not interested, or you are only interested in blah, blah, blah?? I'm a big girl, I can handle the truth. I wish that people who cannot be upfront would not waste my time. Isn't there some sort of radar I could buy to weed them out? I can find anything on the internet, right??

just remember, as easy as you can find anything one the internet, anything can find you on the internet as well....

hmmm.... douchebag-radar. Kind of like gay-dar. I think it needs to be developed over time. I could always go out with you next time and screen for you - loser, loser, douchebag... ah! There is a good one.