So I was eating a yummy ice cream treat earlier today (I Heart Ice Cream!) and it got all melty, making my fingers super gooey & chocolaty. I licked up all the yummy stuff (shouldn't waste perfectly good chocolate
) & wiped them off, got all clean, and then I found chocolate in my hair too! What a mess I am (but a cute one!) A bit later on, I am working out (gotta keep those curves
) and all I can smell is chocolate. I was pushing up dumbbells in a shoulder press & I smelled chocolate. I was doing kickbacks for my triceps & I smelled chocolate. I was doing lifts for my ass & guess what...that's right, I smelled chocolate. I guess you get the point.
Now I love, love, love chocolate...sometimes it just makes a bad day much, much better...but the smell in my hair today was driving me freakin' nuts! I know now that I will never eat a melty ice cream treat before my work-out again, best to save it for way after.
I don't know what it is, but I just cannot help being a mess