Observe me in an unnatural habitat.
Work. At least at my current job.

This is in the break room, during a moment from applying makeup and making on the fly recommendations to bored housewives and penny pinching retirees and their ungrateful grandkids.
For a change of pace, I stepped foot into a Sephora on Labor Day, which ended up reminding me that my work is really Diet Sephora or Sephora Lite with added saccharin.
Just not quite the same as the original. It appears that we get all the castoff makeup lines, the ones that Sephora won't carry anymore. Even our "exclusives" are lackluster in comparison with not very good price points. No, I don't think that I want to work at Sephora again, but it really does put things in perspective for me sometimes.
I've been very antisocial as of late and have also been feeling hideously exhausted all of the time. It's becoming such a wrench in the machinery of my daily existence that I finally made a doctor's appointment to try to get to the bottom of it.
I'm also annoyed at WordPress, as I'm in the throes of rebuilding my site.
Do you or have you ever used WordPress? Any favorite sites that use it or any tips on it?
Work. At least at my current job.

This is in the break room, during a moment from applying makeup and making on the fly recommendations to bored housewives and penny pinching retirees and their ungrateful grandkids.
For a change of pace, I stepped foot into a Sephora on Labor Day, which ended up reminding me that my work is really Diet Sephora or Sephora Lite with added saccharin.
Just not quite the same as the original. It appears that we get all the castoff makeup lines, the ones that Sephora won't carry anymore. Even our "exclusives" are lackluster in comparison with not very good price points. No, I don't think that I want to work at Sephora again, but it really does put things in perspective for me sometimes.
I've been very antisocial as of late and have also been feeling hideously exhausted all of the time. It's becoming such a wrench in the machinery of my daily existence that I finally made a doctor's appointment to try to get to the bottom of it.
I'm also annoyed at WordPress, as I'm in the throes of rebuilding my site.
Do you or have you ever used WordPress? Any favorite sites that use it or any tips on it?
If you need any help just let me know.