A lot of the time I don't wear makeup on my days off, since I have SO MUCH ON at work. That said, I'm really loving Urban Decay's new line of lipsticks and lip pencils. Their products in general are tops. I'm also enjoying some of Smashbox's newest products. The beauty and hair, I get it all deeply discounted.
Poor burtlo. How does he put up me with all of my beauty products, shoes and accoutrements? We have to move soon, too, so I'm sure that it will be interesting, between my continuous eBay auctions and acquisition of new products. And why are Seattle rents so comparable to those in Los Angeles? It's absolutely mind-boggling!
I've had a chance here and there to work on my website. At least revamping it, along with my diet, so that I can fuse a bunch of things that I've been meaning to, the past, present, and the future.
Here's a random link that I am enjoying. Hat tip to unravled for showing me the light.
Some questions for you guys, several, so that you can pick and choose what you wish to answer. Answer one, answer none, answer all, whatever.
1. For those vegetarians/vegans out there, recommendations on your favorite reading materials, websites?
2. For those that are into makeup and whatnot, what are some of your favorite products right now?
3. For those of you that are into lingerie, what do you find to be the sexiest, most titillating ever?
Week in recap. This is one of the more image heavy posts that I've made in a bit. Hence the spoilers.
For lingering. Although a recent purchase at Kiki turned out to be extremely well functioning as well as a nice on the eyes.
Oh I second the recommendation for Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. I really, really loved that book.