Today was the first day that I realized that I feel truly homesick for Los Angeles. Funny how it came to be.
I went in early this morning on my day off for makeup training. One of the national educators from LORAC Cosmetics was in town, and I was a little early. He was so L.A., but in a good way, I mean, everything that I miss about it. He was sharp, totally with it, funny and cynical, and told great 'Hollywood' stories. We discussed his commute from Santa Monica to Valencia and seeing shows at the Echoplex.
We also discussed our mutual observation that there isn't proper Mexican food in the Pacific Northwest and that there's too much "teriyaki".
This isn't to say that there aren't sharp and with it people from/here in Seattle. The pace is so different, and I've had some pains adjusting here and there.
There are lots of things that I miss about my former life in Los Angeles, but the last year of my life there was fraught with extreme financial challenges and a lot of bullshit that I put myself through. I'd made a few missteps with some educational pursuits in choosing a McCareer that was anything but.
One of my secrets is that I am not a comfortably good waxer, which will definitely be an impediment to working as a successful, thriving esthetician. At least the discounts are good.

This is what I had done to my hair at my workplace, speaking of MAJOR discounts. It's a bit light, but I decided that I do not want to be that know the one. Stuck in a hopeless rut. I don't want to have black hair, too much rouge on my cheeks and creepy blue black eyebrow pencil, pushing a shopping cart to nowhere. All good things end up being a work in progress and I need to tweak this with some more rich brown. I don't want to be Rose McGowan in charmed with reddish beige hair, either. Heh.

So dear reader, how did I end up in Los Angeles in the first place?
I was conceived in Hollywood, and the hospital where I was born, Cedars of Lebanon, is now an infamous building, the Church of Scientology headquarters. This is from Wikipedia:
Foreshadowing Cedars-Sinai as "the hospital of the stars," Lebanon had a roster of famous patients including Joan Crawford, Clark Gable, John Huston, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and many others over the years.
So L.A., jeesh.
My dad had moved to L.A. from New York, as he was a stage actor at the time. My mom had done some modeling, and was an antique and jewelry dealer at the time of their meeting, at the San Fernando Swap Meet. Good times. I never had a chance when it came to knick-knacks and collecting the most random shit, I swear. Until I was 11, all I wanted was NEW things, and I didn't care if it had to come from K-mart or Zodys, either. Dead people's clothes, DO NOT WANT. Haha.
Me, well, right now I'm back in the beauty field because I can sell and apply makeup very well. It's continuing to be a fun job, yet I feel that I am neglecting some more academic pursuits that I must address very soon.
More than ever, I am on a constant pursuit of knowledge. It really gets me off.
I'm very thirsty for it, and am doing my best to be non-judgmental of others who are perfectly ok with being ignorant. What can one do? I try and be my best me. For me. If others appreciate it, then that's fine, as well.
I can't believe that it's already July and that I've been in Seattle for over 6 months. I'm much more confident in knowing where I am going, thankfully. Those direction thingies used to bother me a lot. Who knows where I might end up in the future?
All I know for sure is that I have some friends who are there for me and many more friendships to nurture and cultivate. I'm at my own pace now and am ready to thrive.
What about you? Are you surviving, thriving, or some combination thereof? .
I understand what you mean about the pace of LA. Before I moved here I lived in the Hamptons and the pace there drove me bonkers. No one was ever in a hurry but in the way that the checker at the grocery store would discuss every single item with you. Sometimes I need to be checked out without discussing my choice of antiperspirant.