29 comments, jeesh!
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. It was a low-key affair with several people over and lots of pie and PG tips. Oh, and ice cream.
I don't know if I can eat any more ice cream, but I love the Ben and Jerry's Stephen Colbert Americone Dream. But still, TOO MUCH ICE CREAM. It feels as if I have gained 10 lbs. Ouchies.
The rest of this week finds me going on at least one job interview and applying for many more. Oh, and not feeling sick, since I think that I might be feeling a tad under the weather. Scratchy throat, swollen lymph nodes.
And I just started going back to the gym. Waahhhhhhhhh.
Nah, things will be fine, they always are. I do have two snafus to deal with in near future. Evidently Los Angeles City College still thinks that I owe them money, that I didn't drop the class in time before I moved and they will hold my transcripts hostage until I pay them $60. There's also something else that concerns me regarding a scholarship that I'd received for school here that I am no longer attending.
The latter situation has had me super stressed out for a long time, but I need to face the situation and I hope that I don't get sued for breach of contract.
What has you super stressed at the moment?

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. It was a low-key affair with several people over and lots of pie and PG tips. Oh, and ice cream.
I don't know if I can eat any more ice cream, but I love the Ben and Jerry's Stephen Colbert Americone Dream. But still, TOO MUCH ICE CREAM. It feels as if I have gained 10 lbs. Ouchies.
The rest of this week finds me going on at least one job interview and applying for many more. Oh, and not feeling sick, since I think that I might be feeling a tad under the weather. Scratchy throat, swollen lymph nodes.
And I just started going back to the gym. Waahhhhhhhhh.
Nah, things will be fine, they always are. I do have two snafus to deal with in near future. Evidently Los Angeles City College still thinks that I owe them money, that I didn't drop the class in time before I moved and they will hold my transcripts hostage until I pay them $60. There's also something else that concerns me regarding a scholarship that I'd received for school here that I am no longer attending.
The latter situation has had me super stressed out for a long time, but I need to face the situation and I hope that I don't get sued for breach of contract.

What has you super stressed at the moment?
yowza!- response to your pic. stressed? nothing! take that! I could think about stuff to stress about, but right now I'm good. I don't work again until saturday, so if you want to hang during the week let me know.