My hand is much better, thank you.
So let's get right down to it. Who really "knows" me? Not many of you. And that's ok.
I did a mass purging of so-called MySpace "friends". Over 1100 to be exact. I'm keeping it real, yeah.
And I'm in a rock and a hard place, as the people who've known me recently feel alienated, and the people I've known for a long time haven't known me with these various incarnations of the past few years, and I'm not sure how they feel. They're coming out of the woodwork, though. Maybe now I can properly reconfigure what is or what isn't meant to be with them. No, no romantic notions, just proper and mutually rewarding friendships. I think I'm ok with the fact that I might not be in a relationship again.
And that's ok, too.
So don't mind me if I am scarce. I'm not inspired by certain things anymore, mainly I'm not an attention whore that feels the need to acquire as many comments in my journal here as possible. Time passes and the people change with the times. Or they don't.
I know what doesn't inspire me.
So let's get right down to it. Who really "knows" me? Not many of you. And that's ok.
I did a mass purging of so-called MySpace "friends". Over 1100 to be exact. I'm keeping it real, yeah.
And I'm in a rock and a hard place, as the people who've known me recently feel alienated, and the people I've known for a long time haven't known me with these various incarnations of the past few years, and I'm not sure how they feel. They're coming out of the woodwork, though. Maybe now I can properly reconfigure what is or what isn't meant to be with them. No, no romantic notions, just proper and mutually rewarding friendships. I think I'm ok with the fact that I might not be in a relationship again.
And that's ok, too.
So don't mind me if I am scarce. I'm not inspired by certain things anymore, mainly I'm not an attention whore that feels the need to acquire as many comments in my journal here as possible. Time passes and the people change with the times. Or they don't.
I know what doesn't inspire me.
damned near a decade since we met and i harbour overall fondness for ya. that's pretty goddamned decent shite so out with the jive and in with tha love.