One, Two, Three, Four, FIVE! FIVE! Ah-ah-ah!
Beanie Babies, Furbies and Boy Bands... Rollerblades, Viagra, Beavis & Butthead... The Real World, Nicktoons, Chatrooms.... If it was cool in the 90's, It's still cool here.
For real and wanna-be redheads, and those that love or envy us.
Talk about the itty bitty titties, praise them, glorify them! No spam no drama nuff said! Any questions regarding this group contact moderators @lil_tuffy @nonamenumberfive
Anything related to music, bands, musicians, record releases, etc.
The place to talk, ask questions, and make suggestions about SG and everything related to it: the site, the merch, the live shows, and more! Announcements made here.
SUICIDEGIRLS & HOPEFULS ONLY! Members will not be approved. For models who want to contribute to the social media presence of SG! This is a place where you can share ideas and provide content to be used over our social networks.
For members, hopefuls, and SGs in South & Central America! Para les miembres, hopefuls, y SGs en Sur y Centro America! Para os membros, candidatos, e SGs em South & Central America!
A place for SuicideGirls & Hopefuls to give & receive feedback on their photo sets. If you are a member & would like to join the group, please message Kiley first, explaining what you think you would add to the group! (SGs and Hopefuls will be approved for the group, …