I just relized I might have a little crush on adrenaline posing.. hahahahahah
but seriously, weird or high places makes me automatically think of a photoshoot! I love doing it so much! It's kinda challenging how you must strike and stay on a fluid and expressive pose while you can literally die if something goes wrong HAHAHAHA
I think I would love to try some other challenging kinds of modeling, like naked at the snow, curved on some weird rock like @corwinprescott does with her models hahaha ( btw, did you know his work? it's amazing, both for SG and his work out to the site 😍 wish I could work with him someday, it would be truly amazing!)
Here in Brazil we (obviously) don't have snow, and the locations are mostly beaches and trees, but we aaaaalways find a way to do some crazyness ;) hahaha
Sometimes it doesn't look like weird or crazy, but that's exactly the way it should look like hahahaha
Again, sorry about my english and I'm super high right now, so it probably didn't make any sense :p
Here are some recent photos to explain it:
Tell me what you think about it!
Are you afraid of heights?
Do you like it?
Do you think it would work for a SG set ? I think it's not what the site looks for, but it would certainly be awesome! hahahaha
Elisa 💕
@rambo @missy