Ok, so @rambo , @missy and @lyxzen asked us what made us feel good this week and I'm so stucked in a bad moment of my life that I realized I don't think what make me feel good in CENTURIES in this current living chaos. Hahahahaha
So, thank you girls, for giving me such an enlightment moment ♥♥♥
What made me feel good this week was this photoshoot:
I really love to pose. It's such a freedom that it's hard to put it in words, and I'm really into photography, since I do, study and love design and art history, and as an art lover I try to be better in each work and it's AWESOME seeing your own progress!
Again, I'm sorry about my poor english and my lazyness of using google translator HAHAHAHAHAHA
Last thing, but not less important: Thank you for all the support and the positive comments! It's really amazing being conected with you all! ♥♥♥♥♥
@vorpal @rambo @missy @lyxzen @sean <3