i'm stuck at my parents house where i have to take care of a dog, a cat, fishes, horses, a rabbit, a gerbil, two rats, my guinea pig and my turtle!!!
hopefully, my parents are coming back, i'm gonna leave all of them to go drinking and shopping in london.
my holiday in uruguay were fine, but my parent's computer is a shit, so you'll get pictures early september, sorry if someone was waiting for them...
i hope there are still a few people in paris who are willing to have a little evening in paris soon, i'll have to check that, i cannot stay on the net now because it sucks!
so see you soon...
i'm stuck at my parents house where i have to take care of a dog, a cat, fishes, horses, a rabbit, a gerbil, two rats, my guinea pig and my turtle!!!
hopefully, my parents are coming back, i'm gonna leave all of them to go drinking and shopping in london.
my holiday in uruguay were fine, but my parent's computer is a shit, so you'll get pictures early september, sorry if someone was waiting for them...
i hope there are still a few people in paris who are willing to have a little evening in paris soon, i'll have to check that, i cannot stay on the net now because it sucks!
so see you soon...
a bientot ma poule !!!! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!
Bon du moment que tu ne manges pas la tortue et que tu n'crases pas le cochon d'inde derrire le canap, a devrait bien se passer
faut que tu me fasses un 2me report sur Reims, quelqu'un m'a mis le doute pour l'cole