I probably shouldn't be eeven detailing this trival event in my journal, but i need advice. The story is long winded but stick with it. Sooooo.. I work in this pub in Hampstead. I enjoy the company of my other collegues, except one. A mexican who calls himself Jesus, yes he is called Jesus. He is the assistant bar manager and generally makes the lives of all who work in the bar, shit by his constant meglomanic behaviour. He's the type guy who jogs every morning, chats up new staff and is generally an arsehole. WE particularly hate each other. I recently got my rather attractive danish boyfriend to work as a glass collector while he finds other employment. The other night my boyfriend recieves a text asking him out for a drink signed 'L jesus x'. My poor fella shows me this text message as he assumed it was one of my sick jokes. If only. I reply asking who this is, in case the kitchen boys are trying to humour me. EIGHT in the morning the following day, we recieve a reply saying:
" Its Jesus from work. I really enjoyed working with you and wanted to know if you want to go out this week love jesus".
I have consequently imformed my manager that jesus is sexually haressing my boyfriend and i want it dealt with. Shock managers rings jesus. Jesus trys to make up some shit lie about his flatmate fucking a bout. Now, do i do the mature thing and fell sorry for this freak or do i make his life hell within the work place? there finished
" Its Jesus from work. I really enjoyed working with you and wanted to know if you want to go out this week love jesus".
I have consequently imformed my manager that jesus is sexually haressing my boyfriend and i want it dealt with. Shock managers rings jesus. Jesus trys to make up some shit lie about his flatmate fucking a bout. Now, do i do the mature thing and fell sorry for this freak or do i make his life hell within the work place? there finished
Some people really don't know they're annoying everyone sometimes. After this maybe he'll get the message?