It's up in the air now...

Beautiful $180 tattoo


One of a kind, black leather, well made, $130 corset on clearance...(this place never has sales!)

Decisions decisions
I'm hearing all the pro's and con's of my relationship from everyone. Unlike him, I'm not taking anyone's advice. I'm taking my own and going by what I know and feel. Fuck what everyone else says. Meanwhile, he's taking co-workers advice. People who've met me once...fucking stupid. They don't know shit about me or this relationship. I hate everyone. blackeyed
Well, today has been quite interesting.

It's my mom's 51st birthday and we went out to the most wonderful (and expensive) dinner.
And I'm officially single again. It was mutual because it just wasn't working, but at the same time we loved each other and it's sad. I'm feeling something I haven't felt in a long time. Completely heartbroken, but not the kind where I've...
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So much on my mind lately.
To numb the thoughts away and to make me smile, I've borrowed my friends copy of the suicidegirls first tour.
I've decided that I must own my own copy...borrowing is not good enough.

I'm getting tattooed on Friday for the first time in over 7 months. I could cry tears of joy right now.

My friend Craig is finally...
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Work has been sooo dead. It sucks standing around with nothing to do for hours on end. I want to quit, but I can't yet.

Okay, I'm done whining.
It's 6:56am and I have to go to work. So pointless. No one goes to the mall this early. whatever
So, I finally mustered up the guts to check my grades.
Before I list them, I'm just going to say that I've NEVER in my life been a great student. I was always the girl that all the teachers liked, but they said shit like, "You're such a smart girl, you just don't apply yourself..." you know what I mean.

Anyhow, I was suprised to...
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Christmas was great! I got a new digital camera and all other kinds of goodies! But my favorite part was watching my boyfriend open up all the amazing gifts I got him... biggrin
YAY! School is finally over! One month of freedom. So exciting! I can't wait for Christmas ...I know I'm getting a new digital camera.
Happy Holidays

Had my psych exam this morning. My brain didn't want to function last night, so studying wasn't working out, but I feel I did well. Now all I have to do is finish my article critique...which I hate.

Math exam is up next in an hour. I'm sure I have a perfect score in that class, so no problem.

The exam for my shit computer...
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My English professor has swallowed his pride and ended our feud by telling me that I am, in fact, a great student. A great student with a lot of opinions and disorganization...but a great student nonetheless! eeek
it still a good compliment, right?
Finals week...no time to have a life. Not to mention that I work everyday at the mall Starbucks! It's Hell!!! mad ARRR!!! puke
but it will be worth it in the end smile