***EDIT***please go say hi to gil, i got him a gift account but he doesnt know it yet. his name is spincity
heres the problem....
i plug my camera into the computer. the pics load into a file.
ok, so far so good.
then in order to post them i need to load them into photobucket. this takes FOREVER because i still have dial up.
i dont know how to edit pics. i dont know how to resize pics. i want to crop them, touch them up, get rid of red eye,etc.
i need a program or something.
i need to be schooled.
anyway heres a few pictures from toronto prom in some sort of chronoligical order....
on my way to toronto:
friday night drunken ruckus:
me loves me some speedphreak
isnt he lovely?
wet willy!
this is TEH DRUNK LOOK. so hot right now...
eliee & toxicride my shopping buddies
toxicride being a gentleman
getting ready for prom:
at prom:
monica & eliee
misery & me
me, monica & eliee
norritt, monica, & me
norritt drew a picture of me!
post prom hotel party: me myself and DOM (and that "random boy" i picked up, he brings "happy endings"
ah, my true love....
whos this dude?
the only way to complete the night...
toxicride's leftover salad i mooched, my best friend "the rabbit" and my lover, DOM.
heres the problem....
i plug my camera into the computer. the pics load into a file.
ok, so far so good.
then in order to post them i need to load them into photobucket. this takes FOREVER because i still have dial up.
i dont know how to edit pics. i dont know how to resize pics. i want to crop them, touch them up, get rid of red eye,etc.
i need a program or something.
i need to be schooled.
anyway heres a few pictures from toronto prom in some sort of chronoligical order....
on my way to toronto:

friday night drunken ruckus:

getting ready for prom:

at prom:

post prom hotel party: me myself and DOM (and that "random boy" i picked up, he brings "happy endings"

the only way to complete the night...
toxicride's leftover salad i mooched, my best friend "the rabbit" and my lover, DOM.

hotness!!! lol i really wish i coulda been there. next year maybe! me and saida ..we CAN'T miss it witha years notice. lol and U K NOW YOU WANT ME TO BE YOUR DATE muhahaha

did you see speedys pictures of him yelling at the window? that made me laugh so hard...