I was sitting in my room studying. I was deep in thought. Then I thought about my friend who just hookup'd with some honey. So, Nate's has a GF now. I was funny because he was doing push-ups and shit and sit-up's, I was laughing so loud. He was never into working out before, silly wabbit, doesn't he know tricks are for kids. But I guess I just don't understand, does one have to be fit for their fit honey for any reason? I don't know. I haven't been crazy about any female in a long time, I mean sure I've had my interest piqued but then I quickly lost interest. I think my love is broken. Oh, well, saves me a lot of trouble then. Anywayz, Nate told me if I wanted to go to a party at Eddie Murphy's house in the near future, I'm not kidding. And a I also found out that a friend of mine has some of his music on GTA: San Andreas. Did you know you can beat someone to death with a double headed dildo in GTA: San Andreas ???
His song is the SWV song on the contemporary channel, he made the beats and stuff. Brian's got gold and platinium albums all over his house. Nate was all stoked about Eddie Murphy and stuff, he was talking about his huge house and was totally freaking out about it. I don't understand how ppl freak out when they meet a celebrity. I mean, they eat, shit and bleed like everybody else don't they? I guess I've never been impressed by people's fame or money. I've meet celebrities before and I've also met very very rich people before. The only thing that impresses me about someone is their attitude. When I say attitude, I'm reffering to if they are a good person or not. That's all that counts with me.
If you're a good person, you can count on my friendship and thats no lie.
PS I went snowboarding and rode the Expert tripple diamond of death all fuckin day long!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, Im sore as a fucker but I have a big grin on my face that's spread ear to ear. Snow ||D || ||v|| ||D 's r0xoR's.
Dildo weapon in GTA: San Andreas
You should try this game out it the fuckin best and some proceeds also go to Brian's hungry puppy at home.

PS I went snowboarding and rode the Expert tripple diamond of death all fuckin day long!!!!!!!!!!!

You should try this game out it the fuckin best and some proceeds also go to Brian's hungry puppy at home.

sometimes maybe.
but i lie well.