Its a fuckin hectic day today, and so was my weekend. Homework up the yin AND the yang, I'm getting banged all around as if I was in some WWF battle royal. I'm getting suplexed and pile-driven here by the freakin Iron Shiek and Hulk Hogan at the same time.
I just need to keep my eye on the ball for today that's all I need to do.....that's all I need to do....
I think its National "Lets fuck Paul up today" Day. Sheesh. Maybe I shouldn't be stressing, yeah, I really need stress like I need a hole in the head, huh. Fuck it, I might as well take the situation head on and go out in blaze of glory! Ride `em cowboy!!! Yee Haw mutha fuck`as!

sorry it was hectic heh.
heh ima stfu now while im ahead