Power fomula:dB = 10 log ^10 (P final / P ref)
Voltage Formula:dB = 20 log^10 (V final / V ref )
oh shit. How am I supposed to remember formulas like this......I guess with practice LOTS and LOTS of practice.
I found a pic. This pic is of me before a boat salvage dive in the dirty river way's of Seattle. I'm rockin out punk rock style. Notice the dirty sea water stain in the top righ hand corner, that's a stamp of authenticity-hardcore deep-sea diver-ness!!! I'm the guy on the right and the guy on left is some guy we captured in a place called Louisianna, very wild territory.
Rock out wit your cock out !!!!

Voltage Formula:dB = 20 log^10 (V final / V ref )

I found a pic. This pic is of me before a boat salvage dive in the dirty river way's of Seattle. I'm rockin out punk rock style. Notice the dirty sea water stain in the top righ hand corner, that's a stamp of authenticity-hardcore deep-sea diver-ness!!! I'm the guy on the right and the guy on left is some guy we captured in a place called Louisianna, very wild territory.

getting it started is like pushing a bus!