Today I went to a ceremony for my grandfather and other veterans at the VFW hall. The State government recognized those who where forgotten war hero's in WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. I felt uneasy about the representation of Operation Iraqi Freedom among those others who fought TRUE wars like WW2 as opposed to a random, mis-directed war such as Operation Iraqi Freedom. However, I didn't dislike the soldier that was there; I was unconfortable of a representation of the current war itself because the conflict is still ongoing and the war is also an unjustfied war that is justified by an Orwellian propaganda meaning. There was no real reason to go to war in Iraq at this time, I'm not saying Saddam Hussein was a good guy but our budget said we couldn't really afford this war at this time. I think a probable out-come to this war, say if we stayed in the fight after January, would be the same out-come as Russia's out-come in their war in Afganistan, which by the way was a prime factor in their collapse in my opinion. OK, back to the Honor's Ceremony for my Grand Father... I was supremely proud of him. He was a scout in the Army, my grandpa did what Army Commando's do today: Move behind enemy lines before the main body of the troops do for surveilance/intelligence gathering, sabatoge, and assasination of top military officials; you know shit like that. AND, as you may know, hand to hand combat was not uncommon for those guys, they also didn't enjoy the ammenities that the modern day soldiers do these days, refering to advanced technology and knowledge that we utilize for operations equal to such operations that my grandpa conducted for the Army.
The bottom line is, I'm glad the Veterans Department finally recognized him as a war hero. He deserved it. I only hope to be honored just as he has tonight some time in my life but under different circumstances other than war.
The bottom line is, I'm glad the Veterans Department finally recognized him as a war hero. He deserved it. I only hope to be honored just as he has tonight some time in my life but under different circumstances other than war.
best series I've ever read, I think