Walked around for a bit today and then I started to laught to myself. I thought about how everyone is naked under those their clothes. Then, I turned and looked at all the fat state workers and started to bust up laughing at them. Life is funny sometimes. I just think of all the money government spend on stupid shit. Hell we could be living on the fuckin moon and on one of the moons on Saturn by now, a cure for cancer would already be here, and if we didn't fuck around so much we could find a way to make more food for everyone. Oh well, so much for the fuckin Human Condition, we're all gonna die. I cuss too much, shit.
Can you piss your whole name in the snow? I can, that makes me a god.
Can you piss your whole name in the snow? I can, that makes me a god.
if i had a dick i'd piss all over george w.
i deleted you on my friends list on accident, im sorry lets try again.