Just heard some new shizz-nit from KRS-ONE and then I saw and read the interview of Mike Watt (another one of my idols) . Went on a 14 mile bike ride yesterday, I feel like a peice of rubber today. I have pictures of my bike ride, this is rare because I don't usually take pictures of me or anything. I used to think pictures took your soul but if that was true then I have nothing to lose. heheh. I went to John's house with Nate last night. John has a girlfriend now!!!! WOW!
John's usually the Player, funny, we were talkin about how player John was and how not so Player Nate and I were. I have am totally clueless when girls try to pick up on me, I'm such a dork.
Nate tries to pick up on women and always falls on his face its so halarious to watch him try to pimp.
Ok, for those of you who have gotten this far in reading this "Be good, take care"

Ok, for those of you who have gotten this far in reading this "Be good, take care"

it's the standard employer-provided uniform 

yeah i think so... sup?