Shit, starting a business is fucking work!!! But its worth it because I'm the one raking in the cash but it ain't no Sunday picnic in da park, hell no! I have ISO 2001:2000 standards to deal with, ISG Standards, Department of Consumer Affairs schoozing, City of Sacramento business permits filings, business structure planning, service package designing, sooo much fuckin reading that my head is going to pop and list goes on and on and on for miles and miles and miles.....
Its well worth it tho because one day I'm going to look back when I'm a multi-billionaire and say "What a fuckin ride." I'll be able to put my non-existant kids to school an shit, and have a weekend home in the Bahamas. I'm also going to help others with my wealth, I promise. Yep, you saw it here first, I'm going to help others if I become a multi-billionaire. I'm stoked. The sky is the limit.
Its well worth it tho because one day I'm going to look back when I'm a multi-billionaire and say "What a fuckin ride." I'll be able to put my non-existant kids to school an shit, and have a weekend home in the Bahamas. I'm also going to help others with my wealth, I promise. Yep, you saw it here first, I'm going to help others if I become a multi-billionaire. I'm stoked. The sky is the limit.