for the very first time, i have finally decided to add some pictures , including a few of Linz and I in the park that we're planning to get married in.
the gaps between these updates seems to be getting wider. and i'm not quite sure why. perhaps i have less to get off my chest - or maybe i just don't have it in me to complain about. or maybe there is nothing to even complain about - i am, afterall, marrying the most gorgeous woman that i have ever seen
hey mate - how are you?
thought you might be going to the leonard cohen retrospective which is part of the sydney festival in january.........if you haven't got tickets you should get them soon i heard it is about to sell out
Things are coming along nicely. Linz has managed to extend her stay here at least through the latter part of December - and things are looking good for a permenant stay.
There's also a good chance that I'm heading to the US for a month or so - but that should hopefully be sorted out within a few weeks.