ah, who am i kidding. i can't be mad with australian music. it's just too damn good.
it's been a busy week and my health seems to be paying a price for it. i caught the city lights/cops/suits show last saturday night. as always, the city lights did their state proud, launching their debut album "escape from tomorrow today". i suggest you all go and pick yourself up a copy. the cops were also really great.
wednesday night, NERD were in town. as expected, the show was awesome. i always find hilarious at hip-hop shows, though, when they try and play each side of crowd against each other to see who can make the most noise.
i woke up on thursday a little worse for wear. i could barely move, due to a shooting pain in my right side, from what i figure was a chest infection. to top things off, i was almost completely unable to do anything with my right arm.
just my luck that instead of taking the day off work - i had to drive out to a job interview at getty images. the interview seemed to go well, but i'm not going to hear anything until next week.
i had another interview on friday at the australian newspaper, which was hilarious. 30 minutes into the interview, there was a fire drill, and 1,500 people had to file out of the building. after about 30 minutes of chatting on the street, we were able to go back into the building and finish the interview. we'll see what happens.
i made the big mistake of going out to the red riders show,still not feeling 100%. it was a really fun night, but by the end of the night, i felt like i was going to die. on a weird side-note, there was a fight during the middle of the ides of space set. it seems some guy hit another guy in the face with a glass. needless to say, there was blood all over the place. it a pretty strange incident, considering the type of crowd these shows usually attract.
i think that i'm going to have to give the brian jonestown massacre show a miss tonight.
on the bright-side - it's been an exceptional month at my current job. It looks like i will have more than enough money to move into a new place in surry hills and, with any luck, will have enough left over to cover a trip to the US in December!!
QUOTE of the day today is going to be courtesy of the City Lights:
"I nearly choked on my Wheeties, nearly made me sick
When my man in Canberra said it's my fault
It's my fault I'm poverty stricken
It's not endemic it's a choice I've taken
So down to Centrelink in my brand new shoes
To thank Mr Abott for sharing the news
I can own a flat above a railway station
Just give up the booze and the fags and the racing
Today you opened up the market in stolen TV's
Some say it's funny he stopped visiting me
I appreciate the bench at the railway station
I can be a big star now
Privatise the sky somehow
A bonus from someone's bin
You should see the state I'm in
I just have to know someone
Someone with the right school tie
Someone look my in the eye
And be a big star now..."
it's been a busy week and my health seems to be paying a price for it. i caught the city lights/cops/suits show last saturday night. as always, the city lights did their state proud, launching their debut album "escape from tomorrow today". i suggest you all go and pick yourself up a copy. the cops were also really great.
wednesday night, NERD were in town. as expected, the show was awesome. i always find hilarious at hip-hop shows, though, when they try and play each side of crowd against each other to see who can make the most noise.
i woke up on thursday a little worse for wear. i could barely move, due to a shooting pain in my right side, from what i figure was a chest infection. to top things off, i was almost completely unable to do anything with my right arm.
just my luck that instead of taking the day off work - i had to drive out to a job interview at getty images. the interview seemed to go well, but i'm not going to hear anything until next week.
i had another interview on friday at the australian newspaper, which was hilarious. 30 minutes into the interview, there was a fire drill, and 1,500 people had to file out of the building. after about 30 minutes of chatting on the street, we were able to go back into the building and finish the interview. we'll see what happens.
i made the big mistake of going out to the red riders show,still not feeling 100%. it was a really fun night, but by the end of the night, i felt like i was going to die. on a weird side-note, there was a fight during the middle of the ides of space set. it seems some guy hit another guy in the face with a glass. needless to say, there was blood all over the place. it a pretty strange incident, considering the type of crowd these shows usually attract.
i think that i'm going to have to give the brian jonestown massacre show a miss tonight.
on the bright-side - it's been an exceptional month at my current job. It looks like i will have more than enough money to move into a new place in surry hills and, with any luck, will have enough left over to cover a trip to the US in December!!
QUOTE of the day today is going to be courtesy of the City Lights:
"I nearly choked on my Wheeties, nearly made me sick
When my man in Canberra said it's my fault
It's my fault I'm poverty stricken
It's not endemic it's a choice I've taken
So down to Centrelink in my brand new shoes
To thank Mr Abott for sharing the news
I can own a flat above a railway station
Just give up the booze and the fags and the racing
Today you opened up the market in stolen TV's
Some say it's funny he stopped visiting me
I appreciate the bench at the railway station
I can be a big star now
Privatise the sky somehow
A bonus from someone's bin
You should see the state I'm in
I just have to know someone
Someone with the right school tie
Someone look my in the eye
And be a big star now..."
To your dismay and my pleasure, I bought that "newer" Liz Phair cd which I am enjoying.
A trip to US, eh? You must come to Tallahassee, FL....it's quite "happening." Mmm hmmm...don't go somewhere like New York, Tallahassee is what it's all about.
Good luck with those job thingys..