Grandaddy were were really quite amazing last night. I had been looking forward to seeing them for months and they didn't disappoint. They seemed to be pretty excited about being in Australia - and didn't stop smiling the whole show.
theredsunband scored the support slot, which was great. These guys are hotter than Hansel right now! Unfortunately, they only found out after i had already forked over my $50 for the ticket). I videotaped the set, some of which will hopefully soon be up on their website at (not to be confused with - which is a different entity entirely). You can also check out the video I did for their song Pavement (the quality of which is a ton better than the version that was up on the slanted records site). You can also check out a bunch of their songs on the site. I recommend you listen to Peapod.
I bought a copy of the Spike Jonze dvd a few days back (finally) - and it's great. It's a shame a lot of the earlier videos aren't on there, though. Also picked up a copy of the new Pixies dvd, which I haven't had a chance to look at as yet. Word is that the Pixies are planning to be in Australia in around October. I'm not so upset that Frank Black cancelled his show here last year anymore.
And before I forget - does anyone have a copy of the John Cassavetes film Husbands?????? PLEASE??
ALBUM OF THE DAY: Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Im not worried for me, Ill be alright, but if there does have to be a cull, then so be it. I mean, thats just natural selection, in the wild some people wouldnt survive. Imagine a warehouse, where a little midget fellow is driving a forklift. He cant see over the top, hes got great big platform shoes on so he can reach the pedals, cos of his little legs. I mean, dont get me wrong, Antons a lovely bloke, but should he be working here?
theredsunband scored the support slot, which was great. These guys are hotter than Hansel right now! Unfortunately, they only found out after i had already forked over my $50 for the ticket). I videotaped the set, some of which will hopefully soon be up on their website at (not to be confused with - which is a different entity entirely). You can also check out the video I did for their song Pavement (the quality of which is a ton better than the version that was up on the slanted records site). You can also check out a bunch of their songs on the site. I recommend you listen to Peapod.
I bought a copy of the Spike Jonze dvd a few days back (finally) - and it's great. It's a shame a lot of the earlier videos aren't on there, though. Also picked up a copy of the new Pixies dvd, which I haven't had a chance to look at as yet. Word is that the Pixies are planning to be in Australia in around October. I'm not so upset that Frank Black cancelled his show here last year anymore.
And before I forget - does anyone have a copy of the John Cassavetes film Husbands?????? PLEASE??
ALBUM OF THE DAY: Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Im not worried for me, Ill be alright, but if there does have to be a cull, then so be it. I mean, thats just natural selection, in the wild some people wouldnt survive. Imagine a warehouse, where a little midget fellow is driving a forklift. He cant see over the top, hes got great big platform shoes on so he can reach the pedals, cos of his little legs. I mean, dont get me wrong, Antons a lovely bloke, but should he be working here?

Song of the day: Grandaddy - Jed's Other Poem

I never go to shows. I'm boring.