Woohoo 8 more sleeps to christmas!
Is everyone excited???????
I can't wait, even if theres been some problems. I brought my boyfriend an ipod touch for christmas as his main pressent and the silly billy got an upgrade to an Iphone which totally messed up my christmas pressent for him. Any how I now have 7 days to think what else to get him but my minds at a blank. I'm thinking a PS3 but he's now given me a limit to how much i can spend because he doesn't want me spenting loads on him. a
As we're still saving money. He let me keep the ipod touch for myself as a gift and he's giving me my money back. Which is really sweet.
I'm looking forward to pressies and my first christmas dinner with my boyfriend and his family.
If i didn't have work on boxing day i would get really really drunk christmas day.
What's everyone hoping to get?
Hope you all have a nice christmas
Is everyone excited???????
I can't wait, even if theres been some problems. I brought my boyfriend an ipod touch for christmas as his main pressent and the silly billy got an upgrade to an Iphone which totally messed up my christmas pressent for him. Any how I now have 7 days to think what else to get him but my minds at a blank. I'm thinking a PS3 but he's now given me a limit to how much i can spend because he doesn't want me spenting loads on him. a
As we're still saving money. He let me keep the ipod touch for myself as a gift and he's giving me my money back. Which is really sweet.
I'm looking forward to pressies and my first christmas dinner with my boyfriend and his family.
If i didn't have work on boxing day i would get really really drunk christmas day.
What's everyone hoping to get?
Hope you all have a nice christmas

hope you have a great christmas.